About the Corn Library

This is an excerpt from my first post, July 2009. Wow o.o

Hello! This is K D, and I am slowly realizing the long journey I am starting into the world of libraries. I must confess, I have no experience working at a library. I read in many blogs that this will be my biggest problem in trying to find a job in my post MLS life. Frankly, I can't find too many jobs not requiring an MLS at libraries. I guess it must be the economy. I'll stick to my church job for now.

I am also realizing that I might be the youngest person signed up for the LEEP orientation that starts this Thursday. Everyone else seems to have either a career or a kid, both which I do not have. It makes me think- should I have waited a few years before going to grad school? Some people told me to wait, some told me to jump right in....I am following the latter's advice. I want to complete school now, when I am still in "school mode." I have taken 400 courses, many of which I was the lone undergrad in the class. It takes a lot of brain power, but I believe I can do it!

So there it is- the start of a blog!