Tuesday, March 9, 2010

507 Cataloging Woes and On-Campus

These were my thoughts on cataloging written during the on-campus visit....
I like organizing things.  I do, really.  Send me to an Officemax and I will reorganize your life!

But sometimes, certain cataloging practices make me confused.  I am sure there are really good reasons for why it is like this, but I am still a total "n00b" in MARC so bear with me.

I understand why you would want to transcribe information exactly as it is in the book.  In the end, the cataloger could misinterpret information and write something totally different.  But then, there are times where you don't have to write it as it is in the book, like the title.  Where does the line get drawn?  
Well, so now you know.  Cataloging makes me frustrated!  I don't want to say that I hate cataloging, but I feel like we are got off on the wrong foot  :D

OTHERWISE, the weekend was great!  Unfortunately, I just realized that my card reader for my camera is somewhere I can't get to for a long while, so no on-campus pictures yet. 

Anyone who was there could say that the weather was perfect.  Even when it rained it was perfect!  I am very ready for spring to come, my body is tired of sitting in front of the computer.  I mean, I love reading and surfing the net, but nothing beats being outside and moving around (or reading, or surfing the net). 

Before I can scamper off into the sunlight, I have a lot of projects coming up.  Digital Preservation is keeping me very busy- there was a good reason to warn me about this class!  Let us hope I can keep up with it....

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