Wednesday, January 12, 2011

...and, I'm back?

Happy New Years everyone!

Believe it or not, I'm still alive and well.  I will soon be starting my 4th semester at GSLIS -- not my last, but getting there.  I think I will be done Fall 2011.

Here is what you missed: I took Special Collections: Collection Development, Electronic Publishing, and Information Modeling.  The first one is going towards the Special Collections Certificate I want to receive.  The other two go towards my new goal: a specialization in Data Curation.  The two last classes were very interlinked -- so much, that sometimes I forgot what class I was in at the moment  o.o

This semester, I'm taking another three classes: Foundations of Information Processing in LIS, Digital Libraries: Research and Practice, and Foundations of Data Curation.  Of course, these are all for the Data Curation specialization.  I will be posting my homework, as well as projects from last semester, on this blog. 

Hopefully, I will keep blogging this semester and keep up with my newsfeeds.  I am very behind in the library world  :(